Support us on our SubscribeStar

Gain in-game rewards, vote power to choose game direction,  discord channel to speak with developers, sneak peak screens, sexy content, early updates, behind the scenes information and much more. We are working on this game in our free time and wish to one day work on it full time. Every dollar will be put back into game in form of new content

Support us with Bitcoin or Ethereum

Our team have only 2 people, but we would like to create more content and for that we would need to hire more graphic designers, animators, editors / corectors. This would lead to more frequent updates and more sex animations and visualization of story within the world of sisters narrative. Imagine what the game could be and what fantasies we could create like no other games currently have. Every patron and every donation helps us achieve this goal.





BTC QR code (same link as above):               ETH QR code (same link as above)

Your donation will support us a long way and you can do it either through our Patreon or by following cryptocurrency addresses above. Please don't send other payments than BTC or ETH, they won't be accepted (like BCH bitcoin cash or ETC ethereum clasic)

We humbly thank you for keeping this project alive and running.